Monday, October 29, 2012

Vacation Day 13 - 16

Day 13

Looking at one last house before we leave!

My camera kept stopping on its own!!!


The wax people looked so real!

I have never seen a restaurant serve pretzels with the water!


Day 14

Just a sample of what the museum is like. I thought it was kinda
funny that they all had Russian accents.

Cincinnati Ohio. 

We were really tired here and not feeling to good. :)

                                                                          Day 15

I still can't believe Olivia is 5!!!

                                                             Heading to the Smilies.

She was pretty shocked that they knew it was her birthday!!! :)

Yes! She is a little odd:)

Smilies Soccer Game.

Olivia's birthday cupcakes.

Robert, Johnny, Emma and Ian.

Baby Maltese. 

Josh and Emma.

The first person I zoomed in on was Emma, then Brian, then Jon, 
then Leah and her son Ian.

Olivia and her new doll.

Hanging out getting ready to play fruit basket bonk!

You can till we were starting to get tired!

Josh wearing my headband:) Its a little blurry sorry!

We were able to stay up till 12:57 then our parents told us to go to bed!

Day 16

Johnny and Caleb.

Showing us their 7 acres.

I think Collin says "Stop with the video" like ten times!
I'm just messing with you Collin:)

Big leaves!!!!

Olivia and Nathan.

Having fun on the tramp.

Corn maze.

Josh being cool:)

Starting the corn maze.

Knife, Fork, Spoon and Nathans Pinkie:)

The one in the white shirt is Evan. 

Evan shooting off fireworks!

There's going to be a few more posts after this, so don't stop cheeking!!

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